Vermont Gas Construction Update

Vermont Gas has started pipeline construction activities in the Town of Monkton.  As agreed in the Memo of Understanding (MOU), town officials have started attending the pre-construction meetings. The information in this post is provided to share that information with Town residents.  Because of road conditions, easement issues, and permitting, construction in Monkton will not happen in a linear fashion from North to South but will be in sections.  Vermont Gas has started clearing operations in Monkton and will start some blasting operations as soon as the second week in April.  Blasting operations will take place between Hollow Road and Post Road in the pipeline corridor.

In addition there will be probing for the depth of bedrock starting next week in three locations – by the Huizenga swamp on Post Road, by the south side of the Huizenga swamp off Monkton Road, and at the top of Old Stage Road.  This probing is done via a tracked vehicle which drills a small hole up to 10 feet deep.

As part of the Memo of Understanding that the Town of Monkton signed with Vermont Gas, all Monkton residents with wells within 600 feet of any blasting operations should have received a blasting notification letter that includes the option to have a video recording of pre-existing conditions.  If you have not received this letter and believe you are within 600 feet of the blasting area please contact Dave Walker (  802-922-7318) or any member of the Selectboard.  In addition, the MOU also specifies that any property owner who might have a well within 300 feet of the pipeline corridor should have been informed that they are eligible for a pre-construction test of well water.  If you have not been notified and believe you should have, contact Dave Walker or any member of the Selectboard.

Also as part of the Memo of Understanding, Vermont Gas agreed to fund the hiring of a construction oversight engineer by the Town of Monkton.  After reviewing several candidates and conducting interviews at the last Selectboard meeting, the Town of Monkton has hired Green Mountain Engineering to perform this service to the Town.

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