On October 9, 2017, the Select Board adopted a new Ordnance Regulating Dogs and Wolf–Hybrids that includes civil enforcement of dog and wolf-hybrids violations by the Judicial Bureau of the State of Vermont. That means the Animal Control Officer can give a dog or wolf-hybrids owner a municipal violation complaint (like a traffic ticket) when a situation calls for this action. The Animal Control Officer is also empowered to impound nuisance or vicious dogs and wolf-hybrids when the situation warrants it. Copies of the new ordinance are available at Town Hall or can be viewed here: Monkton Ordinance Regulating Dogs and Wolf-Hybrids
Contact Information:
Monkton Animal Control Officer: Jane Palmer
email: aco@monktonvt.com
phone: 802-242-2821
Dog License Information:
Spayed/Neutered $10.00
Un-Neutered $13.00
Spayed/Neutered $12.00
Un-Neutered $15.00