In a number of areas around town, people have been placing items in the right-of-way along the road, or even leaving vehicles or other items in the traveled lane. This is creating a hazard for travelers and makes snow removal difficult and hazardous for the road crew. It also leaves no room for emergency maneuvering if a vehicle runs into unexpected problems.
It is a violation of state statutes and the Town Traffic Ordinance to park in the traveled lane of a road in Vermont. Vehicles parked in the traveled lane (even partially) are subject to being towed at the owners expense. It is also a violation of state statutes to leave items in the right of way without the permission of the Select Board, even if they are off the normally traveled lane. A person violating these statutes may be subject to fines, and the person responsible may also be liable for damages caused by the violation.
On most roads in Monkton, the right-of-way is 49.5 feet wide. So if your vehicles or other items are more than 24.75 feet away from the centerline of the road, you are most likely OK.
Please don’t wait for a notice of violation or the unpleasant surprise of finding your car has been towed. The town is not looking to fine or tow anyone. We ARE looking to allow for safe travel on our roads, and safe and efficient snow removal and mowing. Unfortunately, if problems are not addressed, the town will be forced to take other action.