Monkton Planning Commission

Meeting Information

The Monkton Planning Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. With the passage and Governor Scott signing the 2024 open meeting requirements the Monkton Planning Commission holds hybrid–in-person and on Zoom– meetings. Zoom meeting information is below. Please see our agendas for meeting activities.

The Planning Commission will often cancel meetings that fall on election days and sometimes meet once a month in the summer. Please check “MPC Agendas.” Agendas are posted about a week before the meeting.

Monkton Flag

Our email address is:

Current Monkton Planning Commission Members:

  • Marilyn Cargil, Co-Chair
  • Peter Close
  • Wendy Sue Harper, Co-Chair
  • Ivor Hughes
  • Michael New, Clerk
  • Gary Strait
  • Open Position

MPC Agendas

MPC Minutes

Project Reports

Town Plan and Unified Planning Documents

Planning Commission Bylaws

Housing Resources for Vermonters in Need


New Posts

New Town Plan
The Monkton Planning Commission has updated the Town Plan sections containing US Census data, cultural resources in the Utilities and Facilities section, and two Natural resources sections: Forest Resources and Water Resources to add information from the 2023 Natural Resources Inventory, especially to meet the requirements of Act 171. The Plan Implementation section was reorganized and updated a well. Included below are the warning, the red lined copies, and the clean copies.

The Monkton Planning Commission will hold a hybrid in-person and Zoom public Hearing at 8:00 pm, on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at the Monkton Town Hall (92 Monkton Ridge), to take public testimony on the proposed Town Plan. The Planning Commission will discuss and vote on any proposed changes directly after this Public Hearing. There will be an informational session from 7:00 to 7:45pm on July 30th at the Town Hall in the Community Room prior to the public hearing.

Please join us.

Zoom Meeting Information:
Link to join a Zoom meeting by computer video:
Monkton’s Zoom meeting ID: 802-453-3800
Monkton’s Zoom Password: 1762
Telephone Number to attend meeting by phone: 646-558-8656

Town Plan Red Lined Copy

Town Plan Clean Copy

Town Plan Warning


Link to join a Zoom meeting:

Monkton’s Zoom meeting ID: 802 453 3800

Monkton’s Zoom Password: 1762

(Telephone Number to attend meeting by phone: 646-558-8656)


Link to Town Email Login

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