Cedar Lake Association

Lee Kauppila - President
Paul Bertalan - Vice President
Michael New - Treasurer
Terry Payea - Secretary
Nick Rosato - Director

Contractors: Skip Lisle; Beaver Deceiver Intl.

Email us at:   cedarlake@monktonvt.com


Last Annual Meeting was held June 8th 2024. Meeting Minutes will be posted soon. 

 May 20th, 2024 we joined the Monkton Historical Society for a presentation and discussion of the history of the Monkton Pond and the Cedar Lake Association.  The meeting will be displayed on the Historical Society page and a link will be provided soon. 

Monkton Pond Flooding Update 1/5/24

In October 2023 due to excessive rain the pond began to flood again, and beavers did build additional dams in front of the functioning beaver deceiver that is in place. This was expected to happen over a few years time, but the high volume of rain we have these days is a hardship at times. The combination of the mass of rain and the extra dams created had forced high water levels in the pond.  In November 2023 the Cedar Lake Association brought Skip Lisle back in to install an additional deceiver device to work in tandem with the device already in place. This has helped manage the increasing water levels due to the rain and allowed the water to lower at a moderate pace to set a more tolerable water level and avoid continued flooding. The device also helps to avoid a massive surge of water that goes out into the outlet at one time as that can be disruptive to those down the stream as well. The installation of the device was funded privately by the Cedar Lake Association at a cost of $4000.00. We have found that Skip Lisle is very reliable, professional, and experienced in the realm of the beaver dam management and the installations alleviate  flooding and promote healthy natural water level management which helps to maintain the ecosystems of the wetland. With that said, the volume of rain is problematic all across VT, and we would be in trouble without the deceivers in place.  We are keeping an eye on it and appreciate local feedback as we move forward.

Monkton Pond Barge Project 2023 (posted 1/5/2024)

In June 2023 the Cedar Lake Association was permitted by the Agency of Natural Resources/Department of Environmental Conservation to build a DASH ramp to aid in control of Eurasian watermilfoil in Cedar Lake. Approved Application link is below. We began  building the barge in July 2023 and purchased the materials through the Association funds. In the Spring 2023 we will be stepping back into the project to complete the building of the barge so it can be used accordingly and as permitted. Nick Rosato is the leader of the project and we appreciate any assistance to get the barge to its completion as well as harvesting the milfoil in the pond. More information to come.


The Lewis Creek Association Research

The Lewis Creek Association has conducted a survey of Monkton Pond as part of a management plan for aquatic invasive species in the Lewis Creek watershed area. Bristol Pond was also surveyed. The LCA has also launched a Boat Steward Program in Bristol Pond and we are looking to establish that in Monkton Pond as well.  It is our goal to collaborate with LCA on future projects that will help us manage the invasive species in Monkton Pond. The LCA has done an incredible amount of research and some links for the information distributed are below.

The press release about Bristol Pond is on the LCA website at https://www.lewiscreek.org/press-releases-and-news

The map of survey results, a copy of the management plan, and boat launch steward summary are at https://www.lewiscreek.org/library (scroll down to the bottom of the Invasive Species section).

Surveys were funded and the results are here: https://bit.ly/3g5Sr5V  Note that you should click on Monkton Pond to see those particular results.  Many invasive species are very widespread throughout the pond as you will see.

A link to the pdf of the final Management Plan as they have put out is below.

Lewis Creek Watershed Invasive Exotic Plant Management Plan (1)

We had reached out to Kate Kelly from the LCA a few months ago as well as the state of Vermont Watershed Division Lakes and Ponds Program and will work going forward with teams as needed to best manage the invasive in our pond.

Thank you to Kate Kelly and the Lewis Creek Association for sharing their findings and working to improve the quality of the watershed in our area. Please join LCA and CLA if you are interested in assisting.


Please check out our story in the August 20th issue of the Addison Independent.               08-20-2020 Addison Independent

July 24th & 25th Skip Lisle, the Wildlife Biologist & Engineer came to Monkton and installed the Beaver Deceiver Water Flow Device with the help of some members of the association. The installation was made possible by the generous donation of $2000.00 that we received from Protectors of Wildlife. The association funded the remainder of the project with funds made available with the reinstatement of the Cedar Lake Association. We thank Skip Lisle for his expertise, POW for their generous donation, as well as Lionel Charbonneau for his countless hours of dedication to helping us to reactivate the Cedar Lake Association. Stay tuned for an update on the story to be published in the Addison Independent on our behalf. 

Please note the short video link along with the photos of the installation below.





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Update – On June 13th, we were able to successfully retrieve one of the old baffles cages embedded in the mud as well as some of the clogged tubing in preparation for the beaver deceiver water level device installation. Water levels are currently lower than usual now and attention to that will be considered diligently as we proceed. The device is meant to prevent overflow. We are also working with the State of VT to achieve grants and direction for cleaning up the ponds milfoil and weed overgrowth consuming our lake.

Beaver Dam Update on June 1st 2020.  It is our plan to have a workday the weekend of June 13th and 14th to remove the old beaver baffles from the pond. The expectation is that by the end of June the installation will be installed where the old baffle was. The lake water has been monitored and is currently close to normal levels. 

Beaver Dam Update on Monkton Pond March/April, 2020

Due to the historic water levels of the pond, the beaver dam was breached on Thursday March 26th. A large breach, as well as multiple smaller breaches were created inside the dam. The water level is 2 feet higher than normal and has caused flooding on the properties surrounding the pond. The dam will continue to be breached for at least two weeks to allow the water levels to continue to drop. We will continue this effort to  lower the water to its normal level.

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We will then be installing a Beaver Baffle and a Water level device in April or May. We have received a grant for $2000.00 from the Protect Our Wildlife organization for the device and installation, we have the additional funds needed to complete the project. Please visit the Beaver Deceiver Website.  This will be in place as soon as the water level is established and the Beaver Deceiver is able to come in these uncertain times of our pandemic.  It certainly is an ongoing project for many.

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The before and after photos from this week are below.


Beaver Dam overflow

We will be using this site to provide the community with updates as we go, and we will post our meeting minutes, our upcoming projects, details about our officers and members and more details about the upcoming installation.

We welcome new members to the Association and look forward to serving the community in the future to help maintain our lake for all of us to enjoy for decades to come.

Meeting Minutes:

Cedar Lake Assoc. Meeting Minutes.Dec 5 2019

Cedar Lake Assoc. Meeting Minutes Jan 25

Cedar Lake Assoc. Meeting Minutes Sept 23,2020

Cedar Lake Assoc. Meeting Minutes July 29,2023

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