Monkton Library Design/Build Services RFP

Town of Monkton

Request for Proposals

Design/Build Services

The Town of Monkton is requesting proposals for design/build services to finish an uncompleted room adjacent to the Russel Memorial Library.

Sealed Proposals will be received on or before 1:00 p.m. Local Time on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at the Monkton Town Office, 92 Monkton Ridge, Monkton Vermont or PO Box 12, Monkton, VT 05469. Sealed proposals shall be marked “Town of Monkton Library Design/Build Services” and addressed to the Town of Monkton.

The complete Request for Proposals with preliminary floor plan and facility layout is available at the Monkton Town Office or by contacting Stanley Wilbur, Town Administrator at or 802-453-3828.

A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at the Monkton Town Office, 92 Monkton Ridge, Monkton, VT at 10 a.m. Local Time on Thursday, September 26, 2024.  Modifications, clarifications or interpretations will be incorporated into an addendum which will be provided to all Conference attendees.

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