MCS School Board meeting 3/8/16

There is an MCS School Board meeting Tuesday 3/8/16 from 5:30-6:30 at Bristol Elementary school. This will be followed at 6:30 by an all ANESU Boards meeting. You can find the Monkton Board agenda at the following link.  Please cut and paste.  Thanks.

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Town Meeting and Election Day Reminder

Town Meeting-Election Day Posting

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From the MCS School Board: Replacement for page 101 in the 2015 Annual Report Book

Please click the link below to find the replacement page for page 101 in the Monkton 2015 town report Book. Copies of this updated page will be at Town Meeting, and are available at MCS on the bulletin Board next to the office. You can disregard page 101 in the booklet, there is an explanation on the new page. Thank you.

Town Report Replacement Page 101

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BCA Meeting to Appoint Interim Election Officials

The Monkton Board of Civil Authority will meet on Saturday February 27, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. at the Monkton Central School to appoint two Election Officials to replace the two Justices of the Peace that have resigned or are unable to perform their duties.  These appointments will be for Town Meeting on February 27, 2016 and the Municipal Elections and Presidential Primary on March 1, 2016 only.  Permanent appointments must be recommended by the appropriate party caucus and appointed by the Governor of Vermont.

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Notice of Terms of Proposed Real Estate Conveyance

The Town of Monkton hereby provides notice of the terms of a proposed conveyance of development rights, conservation restrictions and a public access easement over and upon real estate owned by the Town of Monkton pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §1061(a)(1).  This notice has been posted at the Town Hall and at the Monkton General Store.  Please continue reading for the entire notice. Continue reading

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Selectboard Agenda for Monday Feb 22, 2016

DATE: Monday February 22, 2016

1)    CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM Continue reading

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Correction – Vermont Gas Informational Meeting is Feb 24

Previous post indicated that the Vermont Gas Informational Meeting was on Wednesday Feb. 25 – this is incorrect it will occur on Wednesday Feb. 24.   Apologies.

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Vermont Gas Informational Meeting Wed Feb 24

A follow-up public information meeting will be held by Vermont Gas Systems to provide residents of Monkton with information about ledge removal and low impact rock drilling and blasting that may be necessary for a portion of the proposed natural gas pipeline route.  Meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 24 at 6:30pm, at the Monkton Volunteer Fire Department, 3747 States Prison Road, Monkton, Vermont 05469.  Please call Beth Parent at 802-865-1460 for additional information.

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Survey Regarding Transportation Options

Tell us what you think about Transportation Options in Monkton – Participate in our Survey

 The Town of Monkton Energy Committee and the Monkton Planning Commission have created a survey, survey can be found here, to hear your thoughts on transportation.   What should the town be working on to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels?  What do you need to shift your commuting or regular driving choices that could put money back in your pocket?  The purpose of the survey is to gain an understanding of your transportation needs – where do you usually go – to work, school, grocery store?  Continue reading

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Monkton Central School Board of Directors annual meeting 2/25/16 @ 7:30

>The MCS Yearly School Budget meeting will be Thursday February 25th at 7:30 in the MCS gym. Below is the link to the information voters will receive in the mail regarding the FY 16-17 Budget.

>A reminder that voting on the Monkton and Mt. Abraham School budgets will be Tuesday March 1st at the Monkton Fire station from 7am-7pm.

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