Category Archives: FrontPage

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Healthcare Navigators in Monkton

The Town of Monkton has arranged for a navigator to be available at Town Hall between 4 and 6 on Monday November 25th. Navigators are available in communities throughout the state to help individual Vermonters, small employers, and their employees … Continue reading

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Selectboard special meeting Nov. 7, 2013

 NOTICE SPECIAL SELECTBOARD MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 7:00 PM The Monkton Selectboarrd will convene a special meeting for the following purposes: 1)    Review applications for the position of road crew member and select those to be interviewed 2)    Review … Continue reading

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  VGS EASEMENT WORKSHOP                A workshop is scheduled for October 17, 2013 at 6:30 PM                at the Monkton Fire Station for landowners affected by the                Vermont Gas proposed pipeline. This workshop is for the                purpose of … Continue reading

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Why did my taxes increase so much?

The simplest, and not very satisfactory, answer to this question is because of the Town and School budgets passed at Town Meeting in March 2013 coupled with the increase in the base Education rate set by the Legislature.  Your taxes … Continue reading

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Town plan

Monkton Town Plan

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Town Hall Closed for Holiday

Town Hall will be closed:  July 4th thru July 7th.  Re-open Monday July 8th. Have a GREAT Holiday.    

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New State Law Works to Keep Vermont’s Bears Wild

I received an email from Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, and thought that this was a great article to share with everyone.  New State Law Works to Keep Vermont’s Bears Wild By John Hall, Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife  Feeding … Continue reading

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Complete Streets Project

Public Meeting for the Monkton Ridge Complete Streets Project to be held at the school this Thursday evening (June 27th) from 6:00 -7:30.  Pizza and beverages will be provided.

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Copy of Revised MOU Draft

I’ve been unable to upload the MOU file directly to the town website.  I did post it to the Monkton Facebook page (which is not maintained by the town).  Here is a link to the file posted elsewhere (thanks Jennifer … Continue reading

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Traffic Study Committee, Thursday June 20th at 7:30PM

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