Town and School Warnings

Please find below copies of the Monkton Town Meeting Warning, the Monkton Town School District Warning,  the Union High School District #28 Warning, and  Patricia A. Hannaford Regional Technical School District Warning.  These warnings have been posted at the Monkton General Store, Monkton Town Hall, Monkton Central School and the Russell Memorial Library.  In addition the current voter checklist is available at the Monkton Town Hall and the Russell Memorial Library.  If you have questions about whether you are eligible to vote on at Town Meeting please check to see if you are on this checklist and if not consult with the Town Clerk.  Continue reading

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Good Piebrations

A celebration of all things pot pie! The Monkton Friends Methodist Church invite you to their annual winter community supper. Saturday, February 7th at 5:30. This event is free and open to the public.

This year’s theme is Pot Pies! A meal of pot pies and salad will be servpot pieed. There will be a macaroni and cheese option for children. If you’d like to bring a dessert, please do. This is a great way to meet your neighbors and catch up and is always a great cabin fever reliever!

If you’d like to bring your own cup and plate, please do. For those that wish not to or can’t there are disposable plates.

*Donations are welcomed

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Select Board Agenda for Monday, 01/26/2015

DATE: Monday January 26, 2015

1)     CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM

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Candidate Petitions due by January 26th

Candidate petitions are due by January 26th and there are still several positions that are unfilled. If you have an interest in either the Monkton Central School Board, the Planning Commission or becoming a Russell Memorial Library Trustee please stop in to Town Hall and get a candidate petition. Of course you can run for any of the elected positions by getting a petition signed by 1% of the registered voters (14 signatures). All of these positions are great opportunities to give back to the Town of Monkton and help shape its future.

March 2015 Town Meeting Candidates - Terms-1

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Library Board Meeting date changed

The monthly meeting for the Russell Memorial Library Board has been changed to Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 6:30 PM instead of January 15th.

The meeting date was changed due to our winter book making program which will be taking place on January 15, 2015 and neither of our librarians will be available to attend our meeting.

The next scheduled board meeting will be held on February 20, 2015 at 6:30 PM.

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Select Board Agenda for Monday, 01/12/2015

DATE: Monday January 12, 2015

1)     CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM

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Select Board Agenda for Monday, 12/29/2014

DATE: Monday December 29 , 2014

1)     CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM

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Town Officials to be Elected at Town Meeting

The following Town of Monkton officials will be elected at Town Meeting on March 3rd, 2015.  In order to be on the ballot candidates must file a petition signed by 1% of the voters of the Town of Monkton with the Town Clerk by January 26th, 2015 by 5 p.m.


Town & School Clerk: 1 Yr. Term
Town & School Treasurer: 1 Yr. Term
Town & School Treasurer: 1 Yr. Term
Delinquent Tax Collector: 1 Yr. Term
Town Moderator: 1 Yr. Term
School Moderator: 1 Yr. Term
Select Board: 2 Yr. Term
Select Board: 3 Yr. Term
Constable #1 1 Yr. Term
Lister: 3 Yr. Term
Auditor: 3 Yr. Term
Elementary School Board: 1 Yr. Term
Elementary School Board: 1 Yr. Term
Elementary School Board: 3 Yr. Term
M.A.U.H.S. School Board: 3 Yr. Term
Planning Commission: 3 Yr. Term
Planning Commission: 3 Yr. Term
Planning Commission: 1 Yr. (Bal. of 3 yr term) *
Russell Memorial Library Trustee: 3 Yr. Term
Grand Juror: 1 Yr. Term
Town Agent to Defend & Prosecute: 1 Yr. Term
Town Agent to Deed Real Estate: 1 Yr. Term

* NOTE: Planning Commission 1 yr balance of 3 yr term (March 2015- March 2016) will be back up for a one year elected term in March of 2016 (March 2016 – March 2017), then revert to 3 year terms thereafter, as per article passed in 2014 Town Meeting.

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Select Board Agenda for Monday, 12/15/2014

DATE: Monday December 15, 2014

1)     CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM

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Select Board Agenda for Monday, 12/8/2014

DATE: Monday December 8, 2014

1)     CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 PM

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