Dog Licenses are due by April 1st.
Our office is trying to still proceed with our task of registering all our dogs in town and doing it safely. Please mail in your dogs Rabies Vaccination and registration fee. Our office will process the dog license and mail it back to you. Rates prior to April 1, 2020 are $10 per spayed/neutered dog and $13 for intact dogs and go up to $12 and $15 after April 1.
Please provide your
- Dogs Name
- Owners Name and Address
- Phone Number
- Name of your Vet
- Copy of your most recent Rabies Vaccination
We will also have a box in the town office for you to drop off dog information rabies and fees for registering each dog. We will process them as we receive them and mail you your dog license and tag.
The Rabies Clinic has been canceled and will not be rescheduled.