Monthly Archives: September 2024

Monkton Bike/Ped Facility

Monkton Bike/Ped Scoping Study The Draft Bike/Ped Scoping Study Report describing various alternatives and estimated costs was presented to the Selectboard at its August 27th meeting. The draft report is available at the Town Office, by contacting Stan Wilbur at … Continue reading

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September 24, 2024 Selectboard Meeting

MONKTON SELECTBOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday September 24, 2024 In Person at Town Offices at 92 Monkton Ridge Road or Remotely Meeting will be recorded and recording posted Zoom Meeting ID 802-453-3800 Password 1762 Telephone Number to attend meeting by … Continue reading

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Monkton Pond Road

Pond Road will be closed Monday, September 23rd from 8AM – 3PM for road construction

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Monkton Highway Department Working on Pond Road

Starting on September 16th the Highway Department will be working on Pond Road along with Denton Excavation. Roadside work is expected to last approximately 2-3 weeks, please expect minor delays as sections of the roadway will be down to one … Continue reading

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September 10, 2024 Selectboard Meeting Agenda

MONKTON SELECTBOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday September 10, 2024 In Person at Town Offices at 92 Monkton Ridge Road or Remotely Meeting will be recorded and recording posted Zoom Meeting ID 802-453-3800 Password 1762 Telephone Number to attend meeting by … Continue reading

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Monkton Library Design/Build Services RFP

Town of Monkton Request for Proposals Design/Build Services The Town of Monkton is requesting proposals for design/build services to finish an uncompleted room adjacent to the Russel Memorial Library. Sealed Proposals will be received on or before 1:00 p.m. Local … Continue reading

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Monkton Bike/Ped Scoping Study

Ms. Jenny Austin, PE, Senior Project Engineer with Dubois& King, Inc. Consulting Engineers made a Bike/Ped Scoping Study Alternatives Presentation during the August 27, 2024 Selectboard meeting. The purpose of the public meeting was to present alternatives for potential future … Continue reading

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FEMA Assistance for July 9/10 damages

FEMA personnel will be in the Monkton area tomorrow and Thursday canvasing for damages related to the July 9/10 storm.  If you have damages to your home or property please reach out to Michael Lull ( or  directly to FEMA … Continue reading

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