Town of Monkton Selectboard Appointments
Shortly after Town Meeting the Monkton Selectboard begins the process of making appointments to various committees that perform the bulk of the Town’s business. Many of these committees are actively recruiting new members and the work they do is vital to the Town of Monkton. This year the following positions will be appointed. Some committees have one or more open positions).
- Planning Commission
- Town Constable (Monkton Resident)
- Development Review Board
- Recreation Committee
- Emergency Management Director
- Conservation Commission (Monkton Résident)
- Delegates to Addison County Régional Planning Commission
- Delegates o Addison County Transportation Advisory Commette
- Delegates to Addison County Solid Waste Management District
- Energy Committee
- Agricultural and Natural Areas Committee
- Recycling Coordinator
- Tree Warden
- Animal Control Officer
- Green Up Coordinator
- Web Master
- Town Forest Committee
- Maple Broadband Representative
- Town Service Officer
- Fire Warden
- Health Officer
If you are interested in serving in any of these positions, please send an email to, attend a Selectboard meeting, or reach out to any member of the Selectboard. Except where indicated, you do not have to be a resident of Monkton to apply.