DRAFT Town Forest Management Plan

After hearing from the community through an online survey, six topic meetings last fall, and through emails and conversations, the committee has completed the draft of the Monkton Town Forest Management Plan, and it’s ready for the community to review.

Draft Monkton Town Forest Management Plan

The plan is some 53 pages long, but there’s a four-page executive summary at the beginning if you’d prefer to review that. For details, reasoning, maps and images, you can reference the full plan, starting on page 7.

The committee is hosting two events at the Monkton Town Hall next week to review and discuss feedback on the plan, let us know if you can join us! They will be the same format and we’ll have light refreshments to share. ZOOM will be available :

Management plan community review & discussions:

Wednesday March 19th at 7pm-9pm

Saturday March 22nd at 10am-12pm

If you’re unable to attend one of these, feel free to send your questions and feedback to: townforest@monktonvt.com

Thank you!

The Monkton Town Forest Committee
Callie, CJ, Jaime, Jess, John and Molly

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