Meeting Information
The Monkton Planning Commission (MPC) meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room at the Town Hall. The MPC holds “hybrid” meetings–both in-person and on Zoom. The Zoom meeting information is below. Please see our agendas, minutes, and project reports for current and past activities.
The MPC will often cancel meetings that fall on election days or schedule a special meeting on an alternate day. It often meets once a month in the summer. Please check MPC Agendas for upcoming meetings. Agendas are posted at least a week before the meeting.
Our email address is:
Current Planning Commission Members
- Sam Burr
- Marilyn Cargil, Co-Chair
- Wendy Sue Harper, Co-Chair
- Ivor Hughes
- Adam Miller, Interim Clerk
- Debra Sprague
- Open
Planning Commission Materials
Town Plan and Unified Planning Documents
Housing Resources for Vermonters in Need
New Posts
Zoom Meeting Information
Link to join a Zoom meeting:
Monkton’s Zoom meeting ID: 802 453 3800
Monkton’s Zoom Password: 1762
(Telephone Number to attend meeting by phone: 646-558-8656)