UPDATE March 2024
NEMRC has completed a majority of the site visits to reaffirm the data we collected and has begun to compile the data necessary for the reappraisal. The Town expects to send out notices to all property owners of record (as of 4/1/2024) with the updated appraisal values by mid-May 2024.
Shortly after the mailing, meeting schedules will be determined for property owners to discuss any questions regarding individual updated values with NEMRC staff and the Assessor.
The Town of Monkton has contracted with NEMRC (New England Municipal Resource Center) to complete a Town Wide Reappraisal for the 2024 Grand List. The purpose of the Town Wide Reappraisal is to update all property data and calculate new Fair Market Values reflected as of 4/1/2024. This will be a 2 year project. The Staff from NEMRC will be starting the field work mid September. Continue reading