Monkton Trash and Recycling Drop-off

There will be a few changes to Saturday, 3/28/2020, trash and recycling to help us all stay healthy and practice social distancing.
The Monkton Recycling Center will be open from 8-12.
Recycling will be open from 8-12 and trash and food waste drop off will be open from 9-12.
Please bring exact change for Rick, our trash hauler. You can place your money into a container he will provide.
We will be admitting only 3-4 cars at a time into the parking area to allow for social distancing.
If you need help with your recycling please let the recycling attendant know; we will do our best to be of service. Also, there will be some alternative containers to place your recycling in so you do not need to climb the stairs.
Please bring your sense of humor and patience on Saturday as we do our best to navigate the challenges of this pandemic

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